
Personal Information
Name: SuperPatriot
Real Name: John “Johnny” Quincy Armstrong
Former Aliases: N/A
First Appearance: Savage Dragon #1 (Of 3)
Death Issue: Savage Dragon #275
Cause of Death: Laser blast through his chest
Group Affiliations: Allied Supermen of America, The Allies, the Fighting Force, The Liberty League, Freak Force, The Special Operations Strikeforce, the Covenant of the Sword.
Height: 6′ 2″
Weight: 390 lbs.
Eyes: Artificial (formerly blue)
Hair: White (formerly blonde)
Date of Birth: 07/04/21
Place of Birth: Brooklyn, New York
Base of Operations: Chicago, Illinois
Other Distinguishing Features: SuperPatriot has entirely cybernetic arms, legs, ears, and eyes, and other cybernetic implants are embedded on his chin, forehead, and along the sides of his face. Although his internal organs are not cybernetic, he has a massive bullet-proof artificial second skin beneath his natural skin. He still has massive scarring on the left side of his face and upper lip.
Marital Status: Married
Known Relatives: Liberty Farrell (daughter, deceased), Justice Farrell (son, deceased), Damien Farrell (grandson, deceased), Claire Bono (wife), Liberty Armstrong (daughter), Justice Armstrong (son)
Powers: SuperPatriot’s pre-cyborg body had the stamina, endurance, strength, and agility of ten peak human athletic men as well as a slowed aging process. SuperPatriot’s artificial eyes give him, beyond conventional sight, night vision, microscopic vision and telescopic vision. SuperPatriot’s arms and legs have been replaced with nanite-powered cybernetic limbs, which can virtually obey his every mental command on a molecular level. When put to their most common use, his arms can assume the shape and function of any weapon he can think of, so long as they retain a constant mass. The ammunition for these weapons is, in most cases, stored elsewhere in his body but he can use actual components of his self-regenerating nanite-powered body. He can re-load with conventional ammo and prefers it as using other means reduces his mass. SuperPatriot’s human form has an accelerated healing ability and as a cyborg he is capable of lifting (pressing) approximately 10 tons.
Weapons: He is a weapon. His belt contains extra ammunition and emergency temporary additional nanites, which although dangerous to use and unstable, can help in extreme situations.
Special Equipment: At one time during the ’40s, SuperPatriot took a drug that allowed him to fly for a limited range, he discontinued the use of this drug due to their dangerous hallucinogenic side-effects. As the cyborg SuperPatriot, he once has added temporary additional nanites to his body, via a special canister, which added extra mass to his arms, allowing himself to create larger weapons and more powerful firepower. The additional nanites had a time limit, however, and they wore off after a short time.
Johnny Armstrong was a gifted athlete and promising student who quit school to fight in World War II on Dec. 11, 1941 – the day Hitler declared war on the United States. The Germans were anxious to create their own superhero to help battle the Americans. After many losses of their best and brightest, the Nazis decided to use their prisoners as guinea pigs and John Armstrong, captured behind enemy lines, was their first subject. Armstrong gained advanced strength and leveled the compound where he was being held and made sure that the Nazis could never duplicate their experiment on one of their own.
Armstrong took on the guise of SuperPatriot and became his nation’s symbol of hope during the war. He even joined up with the group of other young heroes known as the Allies where he used an experimental drug to temporarily allowed him to fly unaided by technology.
After the war, SuperPatriot helped form the Fighting Force to battle the communists and that group later became known as the Liberty League in the 1960s when the U.S. government started funding them. The times changed and SuperPatriot changed with them. ’Patriot was opposed to the Vietnam War and he spoke out often on the subject as the war waged. In a heated exchange with Liberty League member, Battle Tank, SuperPatriot quit the group and went to help in the anti-war effort. This action caused the entire team to fall apart and later disband.
Through her older brother Jake’s F.B.I. contacts, Rebecca Farrell met SuperPatriot and they had a brief fling. Unbeknownst to the hero, he fathered two children who were born on July 4, 1976 and they were named Liberty & Justice as homage to their father.
During the summer of 1992, SuperPatriot was one of only two heroes dedicated to protecting Chicago from the most notorious criminal organization, the Vicious Circle. A trio of villains (Basher, Mako and HellRazor) decided to pay the aging hero a visit, beating him senseless before the shark man Mako savaged his enemy, feeding on his arms, legs and half his face. The world’s most famous hero was left damaged beyond repair by conventional means.
In an arrangement with the criminal organization CyberData, SuperPatriot had his body rebuilt utilizing cybernetic components. Endowed with cybernetic arms, legs, and eyes CyberData nearly wiped out his human mind in the process of repairing him, in an effort to create for them an unstoppable killing machine. Virtually mindless, SuperPatriot was used as an agent of CyberData until he was rescued by his old Allies teammate Die Hard. The United States government tried to reprogram their former agent into becoming their own personal assassin, but the Covenant of the Sword carried out a raid, led by Rockpile, and took the hero for their own agendas.
Nanotechnology was used to carry out a serious upgrade of SuperPatriot who eliminated Rockpile and hundreds of his new allies in a field test. He was then sent on a raid on the Pentagon but Youngblood defended their government superiors and aid their ally in reclaiming his humanity.
The second Mighty Man approached the veteran cyborg and recruited him for the bounty hunting team, Freak Force. The team went on to battle a number of menaces, ranging from the supervillains like the Fantastical Force, the Covenant of the Sword, the Throwaways, Master Atom, Bludgeon, their own evil clones and the Frightening Force, to the extraterrestrial Martians, Matrix Swarm and Cosmic Cops. They even faced off against other heroes like Badrock, the Wildcats and Cyber Force.
SuperPatriot discovered that he was a father when he was sent by Jake Farrell to aid Liberty and Justice, who were on a mission to destroy a rogue Covenant of the Sword installation. The family was finally united, although Liberty never really forgave her father for not raising them, even if he was kept unaware of their existence.
Eventually, SuperPatriot accompanied most of his teammates in joining the United States government’s new super-team to replace Youngblood (presumed dead from the Martian attack), the Special Operations Strikeforce. The hero gradually slipped into a state of depression after the loss of several teammates, including Rapture, and the crippling of Dart.
SuperPatriot finally snapped when his son, Justice, was found in a beaten state. Before he fell into a coma, the young man warned that his twin sister had been taken by the Covenant of the Sword and was being brain-washed into becoming a full member of their organization. SuperPatriot left immediately to recover his daughter and avenge his son’s injuries, but was taken out by his grandson, Damien DarkLord, and the mentally-manipulated Smasher. He was once again converted into an agent of the Covenant of the Sword.
When Dragon was convinced to raid the Hamptons headquarters of the Covenant of the Sword by Mighty Man IV, they encountered a number of their allies, all who had been brain-washed. SuperPatriot was rendered unconscious early on by Mighty Man although both were captured later on. The rescue team that arrived consisting of the remaining superheroes of the Earth managed to liberate the abducted heroes. SuperPatriot was able to break free of his mental conditioning and retake his place on the S.O.S.
In the second reality that Dragon called home, SuperPatriot was never sent against the Covenant of the Sword as they did not exist in this universe. He remained in the United States Government’s custody for several years and was dispatched against the Martians during their invasion of Earth. SuperPatriot was captured and when CyberFace conquered the aliens, he took the hero as an agent of his own.
When the Dragon led an alliance of heroes and renegade Vicious Circle members against CyberFace, SuperPatriot was unleashed against them. Dragon took advantage of his opponent’s confusion at the sight of him, rendering him unconscious. After CyberFace’s defeat, SuperPatriot came around and joined the new incarnation of the Liberty League.
Over the next couple of years, SuperPatriot served alongside some of the world’s most popular heroes and got to meet a young woman named Claire Bono. The two quickly became lovers and it was not at all long until they were married. Another bonus for SuperPatriot was to get to know Liberty & Justice, his estranged offspring.
This family reunion did not last nearly as long as desired as both Liberty & Justice were killed by the Vicious Circle thug named Baby Killer. The villain was immediately beaten to death by SuperPatriot in a move that then caused his victim’s wife to file a lawsuit against him. The murder of his two children prompted SuperPatriot to try and start a new family with his new wife, with Claire Bono giving birth to a set of twins that are named after the murdered heroes, Liberty & Justice.
SuperPartriot is seen from time to time and begins a mentorship for Malcolm and Angel and help them train to become better fighters. When Kurr begins a massacre of SOS members SuperPatriot gives him his all, but at a moment of doubt where he believes Kurr might be reverting back to Dragon he is sucker punched and is beaten within an inch of his life.
He eventually recovers and leads the charge of the remaining SOS members against the Tyrraneans. While all members of the SOS are brutally murdered he is the lone survivor and begins to recruit members for a new SOS. He asks Angel who tells him she needs time to think it over. He is also a witness at Dragon’s trial and tries his best to defend Dragon. He later helps Elizabeth Bradford in training with her Mighty Man powers. He later helps fight during the alien invasion of Earth.
Once the realities merge, SuperPatriot leaves SOS and reforms Freak Force.
Shortly after reforming Freak Force, SuperPatriot agrees to help Paul Dragon, Malcolm Dragon, and Angel Dragon on a side mission to rescue Josef’s Strange’s son, Theo Strange. Theo was a volunteer for the Ukrainian army who was captured by the Russians. The recue attempt goes poorly as the heroes are seemingly outmatched by a large quantity of powerful Russian security robots in the prison. Theo is found by the heroes; however, while trying to hold off the robot horde, Paul Dragon is badly injured and Superpatriot takes a blast through the chest, causing his demise. As Angel Dragon attempts to drag the weakened Theo out to safety, he takes a direct laser blast to the body. Theo appears mortally wounded, as he has lost limbs and is badly burned. Meanwhile, as SuperPatriot’s body lays lifeless, his cybernetic parts appear to withdraw from his corpse and attach themselves to Theodore’s charred torso. Within minutes, the cybernetics appear to save Theo’s life and replace his missing limbs. The cybernetic parts recreate the look of the SuperPatriot costume on Theo’s body and he is immediately able to transform his new limbs into guns to fight back against the Russian robots. With the aid of Theo’s newly inherited SuperPatriot powers, the remaining heroes are able to escape from the prison complex.