Mars Attacks Image #2
Cover Date: January 1997
Cover Price: $2.50(US)
Format: 36 Pages / Color
Cover: Andy Smith (Pencils), Bill Sienkiewicz (Inks), I.H.O.C. (Colors)
Pages: 22
Story: Keith Giffen
Script: Gary Carlson
Pencils: Andy Smith
Inks: Bill Sienkiewicz
Colors: I.H.O.C. (Rueben Rude, Abel Mouton, Bill Zindel, Lea Rude, John Zaia, and José Arenas)
Film Output: Tony Kelly and Kell-O-Graphics
Letters: Chris Eliopoulos
Editor: Erik Larsen
Assistant Editor: Garrett Chin
Freak Force
– Dart
– SuperPatriot
– Rapture
– Barbaric
– Ricochet
– Mighty Man II
The Deadly Duo
– Kill-Cat
– Kid Avenger
Guest Heroes
ShadowHawk II
– Fairchild
– Freefall
– Grunge
Top Cow:
I Before E:
The Maxx
Guest Villains
Unofficial Guest Stars
Real World:
President Bill Clinton
In New York City, ShadowHawk does his best to evacuate as many people as he can before either the giant ants or the alien shocktroopers slaughter them. Witchblade is directed to Times Square by the Maxx as he has seen some heroes gathered there trying to safeguard millions of civilians. Stryker hopes that his spread out teammates will be enough if a full-scale assault is staged on the area.
A Martian stronghold is set up in Detroit where The Kid Avenger reveals that he remembered that there would be an alien invasion but did not think to tell his partner, Kill-Cat, about it.
Chicago is seriously overrun with Martians due to its high freak populace which made it a prime target. Dragon and SuperPatriot meet up and protect two of their friends before deciding that they can do no more and that they will have to trust the Vicious Circle will pick up the fight while they regroup. At a mobile hospital camp, the World’s Mightiest Man cares for the injured in his alter ego, Ann Stevens. It takes a lot of convincing from her teammates to become Mighty Man and become proactive, her powers possibly being one of the few things that can save humanity…
Story Notes
Collected Edition
Issue Extras
Pin-up by Erik Larsen and I.H.O.C. (same figures as the cover to Mars Attacks Image #1)