Savage Dragon #250
Family Matters
July 2020
22 Pages
Erik Larsen: Story & Art
Ferran Delgado: Letters
Nikos Koutsis: Colors
Mike Toris: Flats
Gavin Higginbotham: Editor
Josh Eichhörn: has been nailing social distancing for years
Malcolm Dragon
Battle Girl
Paul Dragon (First Modern Appearance)
Freak Force
– Barbaric
– Lightning Girl
– Mighty Man VI
– Ricochet
Captain Tootsie
The Crusader (Mark Jonson)
The Destroyer (Peter Jonson)
Wall-Crawler (Janey)
Web-Slinger (Janey)
Maxine Jung Dragon
Amy Dragon
Jack Dragon
Tyrone Dragon
Maddy Dragon
The Secret Legion
– Fatso
– Fisty
– Maybelle
– Rollo Costanza
– Sweetie
Alex Wilde
Greta Gearbox
Mei Ling Lai
Real World:
Bill Sienkiewicz
Gail Simone
Jordan D. White
Larry Stroman
The Vicious Circle
– Blossom
– Cutthroat Kid
– Dumpling
– Inferno Girl (Death Issue)
– OpenFace Jr. (Death Issue)
– Squid Kid (Death Issue)
Life in quarantine amidst the COVID-19 pandemic begins for the Dragon family with Maxine in particular finding it difficult. She alone amongst her family cannot leave their apartment under any circumstances. A video conversation takes place where Maxine confronts her mother over the release of her sex tape with Thunder-Head. Mei Ling is embarrassed by the whole but her boyfriend assures her they did nothing wrong and they all have bills to pay.
Malcolm checks in with the new creative team for his monthly comic to update them on his most recent adventures. They are disappointed that his life has been pretty quiet recently due to the lockdown and the big 250th celebratory issue has no big event to be featured within. Malcolm can only offer up suggestions to use the issue as a way of catching up with numerous characters as usually there is not much room to showcase their lives too.
It is revealed that Frank Darling is stuck back in Chicago with his daughter as he had gone back home to wrap up things before his move to Toronto. The kids were supposed to be going to school soon but that looks to have been delayed for the duration of the lockdown. This is driving Maxine increasingly more frustrated as the kids are all bored now and are becoming even more of a handful than usual. Alex Wilde is similarly bored being locked up her and Angel’s apartment.
Lightning Girl has been living in Washington State on the reservation where Barbaric’s family come from. His grandfather has recently passed away and his home had been left to Barbaric and his family so they are all living there for now and she has been invited to stay. Mighty Man has been stopping by too for some training and to visit with them. Lightning Girl is shocked to hear about her brother’s sex tape but is perhaps even more surprised to learn that Malcolm has watched it.
The Secret Legion has been living in the Genetech facility with Captain Tootsie as he is now their defacto parental figure. He had been asked to stay there as he can offer more protection there after the recent break-in that left a guard dead and an alien squid grafted into the chest of one of the intruders. The Jonsons and Janeys have been stuck in Canada since their visit as the United States government has declared them aliens due to most of them hailing from another reality. They hope that their respective parents can help resolve the situation due to their ties to the government and police.
Maxine seeks to make the most of her confinement to her home and asks that Greta takes care of the children whilst she gets some private time with Malcolm. They are almost immediately interrupted when the young Vicious Circle members burst through the wall and attack. The newly empowered Squid Kid is taken aback by the sight of Maxine naked as he has a crush on her. He takes her hostage as the rest all assault Malcolm.
A lamp is thrown at Inferno Girl to take her down and the noise is enough to alert the children that something has gone wrong. Malcolm gets the advantage over Cutthroat Kid as the kids join the fray and a worried Jackson leaps to rescue his mother, punching straight through Squid Kid’s head. An enraged Inferno Girl burns the youngster to a crisp, causing Amy to smash her skull into the ground and kill her. Tyrone comforts his distressed mother as Amy does her best for Jackson.
When OpenFace Jr bites onto Malcolm’s head he is torn into pieces and killed too. Blossom and Dumpling try to keep Malcolm busy and Cutthroat Kid prepares for another assault. His team had been offered a place in Dart’s inner circle should they successfully eliminate Malcolm and bring her his head. Malcolm is unimpressed and forces the surviving villains to stand down or be killed as mercilessly as their fallen friends.
The destruction caused to the master bedroom is repaired by Malcolm and Greta behind closed doors so that they can keep the room clean. Maxine catches up with her mother and they discuss how much money Mei was paid for the sex tape and how life amidst quarantine has changed things. Much later, when the bedroom has been fully repaired and cleaned, Malcolm and Maxine prepare to re-christen the room when someone knocks at the front door. Malcolm goes to answer it and is shocked to see… Paul Dragon?!
3 Pages
Joe Keatinge: Story
Ryan Alexander-Tanner: Art
The Vicious Circle
– Dart II
– Octopus
– OpenFace
Flash Mercury tries to enjoy his favorite burrito but the contents fall out onto his plate and ruins it for him. He later speaks with PowerHouse who instructs him to stop going to the restaurant as that keeps happening to him. Flash opts to make his own and although he is initially proud of his efforts. the contents of this too falls out.
The Saturday Night Smackdown! 6 Pages
Erik Larsen: Story
Greg Kirkpatrick: Art
Nikos Koutsis: Colors
Ferran Delgado: Letters
The Deadly Duo
– Kill-Cat
– The Kid Avenger
A bank robbery being carried out by Lightning Bug is being dealt with by SuperPariot when their clash is interrupted by the arrival of Kill-Cat. The leader of the Deadly Duo assumes that it is SuperPatriot that is the bad guy and that he is once again being mind-controlled. He tries to bring down his opponent whilst a confused Lightning Bug gathers up the stolen money. She flies out of the bank leaving SuperPatriot trying to halt Kill-Cat’s nonsense.
Outside the bank, the Kid Avenger had been standing waiting alongside the police and he moves to intercept Lightning Bug. He blasts the money bag which leaves money floating about in the wind which prompts the on-looking crowd to surge to try and take as much cash as possible. The Kid Avenger eventually is able to knock out Lightning Bug with a head-butt as SuperPatriot finally makes it outside to see the threat is ended.
Kill-Cat is unsurprisingly lost on what has happened but when he realizes his mistake he is quick to congratulate the latest victory of the Deadly Duo. He gives an interview to the awaiting media to explain how the Deadly Duo has once again shown how they are the greatest superhero team. SuperPatriot leaves the chaos behind to ensure that Lightning Bug is arrested and taken away by the authorities.
Menace of the Mutants 8 Pages
Erik Larsen: Story
Frank Fosco: Pencils
Mike Matthew: Inks
Nikos Koutsis: Colors
Ferran Delgado: Letters
Flash Mercury
Following his recent defeat at the hands of Malcolm Dragon in their pay-per-view contest, PowerHouse is eager to prove that he has recovered. He leads his companions on their latest bouny hunt which is to deal with more creations of Dr. Sivana. These mutants have scattered all over the country and the heroes hope that this is the last of these creatures. They approach a castle where they come under fire.
The trio avoid this attack but Fever is taken out of the fight momentarily when she is knocked unconscious via a fall to the ground. Flash Mercury remains with her as PowerHouse moves to confront their assailants. The attackers are a quartet of mutant turtles that prove to be a formidable force and they manage to wear down PowerHouse enough that they knock his domino mask off, reverting him back to his mortal form of Denny Atlas.
Flash and Fever return to the fray to save their friend who dons his mask once more and is able to finally bring down the mutants. Their defeated foes are returned to their original turtle form thanks to some scientists using Freak Out. They offer the heroes a job working for them but they turn the positions down to maintain their independence. In the aftermath, PowerHouse admits that perhaps it would be a good idea that he seek a physical as he is not as young and fit as he used to be.
The Terror of Two Fifty!
7 Pages
Joe Keatinge: Story
Nikos Koutsis: Art & Colors
Georgios Konstantopoulos: Art
Ferran Delgado: Letters
Erik Larsen: Editor
The Yankee Rebel
Many years ago, the colonial hero the Yankee Rebel is in battle against the British Empire in the quest for independence. It is during one such conflict that the hero comments on how his family came to America two centuries ago and that he prays his home will continue to move progress another couple of hundreds of years into the future. It is at this moment the goddess Columbia appears, the embodiment of truth and justice and god of the Americas.
Columbia takes her champion two hundred and fifty years into his future where he arrives at a protest for an oil drilling pipeline. Yankee Rebel is horrified by the aggression being displayed but events spiral out of control as a group of werewolves attack them all. He does his best to fend the creatures off and is joined by the era’s current patriotic hero, SuperPatriot.
Yankee Rebel recoils in horror as his present day counterpart guns down all of the attacking beasts. Yankee Rebel moves to intervene and tackles SuperPatriot, believing that he is endangering everyone present by firing so close to the oil. He is cast aside as the last of the werewolves are killed and SuperPatriot dismisses his concerns. Columbia transports the shocked Yankee Rebel back to his own time where he collapses to the ground to process all he has seen. He merely sits down and begins to sob over the terrible sights that the future holds for his nation.
Monday Morning Mayhem!
6 Pages
Erik Larsen: Story
Joe Zierman: Art
Nikos Koutsis: Colors
Ferran Delgado: Letters
The Deadly Duo
– Kill-Cat
– The Kid Avenger
A bank robbery being carried out by Vein is being dealt with by Daredevil when their clash is interrupted by the arrival of Kill-Cat. The leader of the Deadly Duo assumes that it is Daredevil that is the bad guy and that he is attacking an innocent woman. He tries to bring down his opponent whilst a confused Vein gathers up the stolen money. She flies out of the bank leaving Daredevil trying to halt Kill-Cat’s nonsense.
Outside the bank, the Kid Avenger had been standing waiting alongside the police and he moves to intercept Vein He blasts the money bag which leaves money floating about in the wind which prompts the on-looking crowd to surge to try and take as much cash as possible. The Kid Avenger eventually is able to knock out Vein with a head-butt as Daredevil finally makes it outside to see the threat is ended.
Kill-Cat is unsurprisingly lost on what has happened but when he realizes his mistake he is quick to congratulate the latest victory of the Deadly Duo. He gives an interview to the awaiting media to explain how the Deadly Duo has once again shown how they are the greatest superhero team. Daredevil leaves the chaos behind to ensure that Vein is arrested and taken away by the authorities.
6 Pages
Erik Larsen: Plot & Colors
Andy Kuhn: Script & Art
Carl Cosmic
On a lovely sunny day Carl Cosmic purchases some ice cream but before he can enjoy it he is disturbed by the cries of help. He drops his ice cream to investigate and discovers a huge robot smashing up the city in order to get his attention. Carl Cosmic moves in and starts fighting the giant which results in mass destruction. He is thrown through a building before returning to the conflict and tearing apart his foe, leaving its destroyed parts to land on the ground below, killing numerous innocent by-standers. As the survivors are aghast in horror, an oblivious Carl Cosmic assumes he is being cheered and flies off in victory, impressed with his own good nature.
When Titans Clash! 6 Pages
Erik Larsen: Story
Rich Woodall: Art
Nikos Koutsis: Colors
Ferran Delgado: Letters
The Gods
– Herakles
– Ogaar (First Appearance)
In the dungeons of God Town, a guard named Ogaar sleeps outside a locked cell and is unaware that someone has sneaked in and taken his keys. The cells are opened in turn as the intruder retrieves Miolnir and its gauntlet before finally arriving as the room containing his father. It is revealed that the intruder is Mikki, the son of Thor, and he has come to liberate his parent after years of incarceration.
Meanwhile, Ogaar is awoken by an enraged Herakles who suspects that treachery is unfolding but he is soon struck down by Miolnir. Mikki then jumps atop Ogaar and keeps him occupied until his father reaches them and caves in the guard’s head with his mystical hammer. Herakles returns to his feet and demands that his long-time rival return to his cell and continue his jail sentence. This command is ignored and Thor charges his foe.
Herakles is eventually overpowered by both father and son, enabling Thor to repeatedly strike at the head of the leader of the Gods. With victory attained, Thor instructs his son to lead him out to freedom and the pair departs. A bloody Herakles is left bloody and his body shattered as the threat of Thor returns to the mortal world…
5th Avenue Fistfight!
6 Pages
Erik Larsen: Story
Fernando Pinto: Art
Nikos Koutsis: Colors
Ferran Delgado: Letters
The Deadly Duo
– Kill-Cat
– The Kid Avenger
A bank robbery being carried out by Double Paige is being dealt with by the Bay Guardian when their clash is interrupted by the arrival of Kill-Cat. The leader of the Deadly Duo assumes that it is the Bay Guardian that is the bad guy and that he is attacking an innocent woman. He tries to bring down his opponent whilst a confused Double Paige gathers up the stolen money. She flies out of the bank leaving Bay Guardian trying to halt Kill-Cat’s nonsense.
Outside the bank, the Kid Avenger had been standing waiting alongside the police and he moves to intercept Double Paige He blasts the money bag which leaves money floating about in the wind which prompts the on-looking crowd to surge to try and take as much cash as possible. The Kid Avenger eventually is able to knock out Double Paige with a head-butt as the Bay Guardian finally makes it outside to see the threat is ended.
Kill-Cat is unsurprisingly lost on what has happened but when he realizes his mistake he is quick to congratulate the latest victory of the Deadly Duo. He gives an interview to the awaiting media to explain how the Deadly Duo has once again shown how they are the greatest superhero team. The Bay Guardian leaves the chaos behind to ensure that Double Paige is arrested and taken away by the authorities.
(NOTE: This story was originally printed in GRAPHIC FANTASY #2)
24 Pages, plus Back Cover
Erik Larsen: Story & Art
The Society of Super-Heroes
– Sgt. Marvel
– The Crusader
– The Destroyer
– Horridus
– Mako
– Poison Dart
– Rock
– Smasher (Graphic Fantasy)
– Star II
– SuperPatriot
– Tiger
– Zeek
– OTHERS ?????
The Society of Super-Heroes
– Paul Dragon
– Dart
– Rock
– Sgt. Marvel
– Tiger
– Zeek
The Deadly Duo
– Kill-Cat
– The Kid Avenger
Susan Wilson
The Possessor (Death Issue)
The Bronze Man (Image Only)
The Possessor
The Thing
Paul Dragon considers the direction that his life has taken over the past few months and finds himself at something of a loose end. He feels bad that he is wasting all of his power by merely appearing on talk shows or shooting commercials. Marcy can sense that he is itching to return to crime-fighting but is also concerned that Dragon is becoming depressed. The suicide rate has been rising rapidly recently and she fears that he may end up following this disturbing trend.
The S.O.S. is gathered together to watch videotape footage of when the Possessor invaded Complex One during a recruitment drive. They witness the struggle as Dragon fought against the Possessor, weakening his grip on the hundreds of super-freaks nearby. This led to Susan starting to have contractions and Paul desperately seeking to save her life, ultimately beheading the Possessor.
Sgt. Marvel suspects that incredibly the Possessor has returned and that he could potentially still be alive. The huge leap in suicide rates is blamed upon the villain by Sgt. Marvel who firmly believes that Dragon is the only person capable of dealing with this threat. He talks about how Dragon has been retired since OverLord murdered his wife but he must now try and force Dragon out of retirement.
Marcy questions just what Smasher was like as Dragon never really talks about her. Dragon had simply wished to spare Marcy from hearing about another woman he loves but agrees to describe his late wife. Their conversation is interrupted when Mako stops by, announcing that the S.O.S. desperately needs his help. Dragon is uninterested and sends Mako away before settling down to read Angel a bedtime story. Angel questions whether Dragon is still friends with Mako as he was so mean to him but Dragon assures her that they are still friends but he had been trying to get him to do something that he no longer likes doing and this simply made him mad.
An early morning telephone call wakes Dragon up as Star is the next to try and recruit Dragon to deal with the threat of the Possessor but he is abruptly hung up on. Dragon gets up and shaves before Marcy joins him in the bathroom. She is assured by Dragon that he is not thinking about returning to active duty and when a radio news report about the suicide crisis starts up, Dragon shuts it off. He then joins Marcy in the shower.
Marcy is amazed at just how different Dragon is to how he had been portrayed by the media, nothing like the serious tough guy she thought he was. The couple are soon talking about the suicides again and it is clear that Mako’s words have gotten to Dragon. Marcy talks about how her father used to take risks whilst a cop and after his death, her mother soon passed away of a broken heart. They are then shocked when a man narrowly avoids getting hit by a car before he runs in front of another one.
A news bulletin interrupts one of Angel’s cartoons as Sam Haze reports about a mass suicide in New York’s Times Square where seven thousand people killed themselves. Dragon realizes that the problem has reached an unbelievable level and as he disagrees with Marcy about getting involved, Crusader bursts through the wall and carries Dragon out into the street where numerous super-powered individuals join forces to defeat Dragon, eventually knocking him out.
Dragon awakens in an abandoned subway station where the revamped Possessor greets him, upset that it took force for him to convince Dragon to speak with him. He explains that when he was seemingly killed before, the near-death experience changed him. The Possessor knew that he had committed great evil and wished to make amends. He used his telepathy to search out evildoers and forced them to commit suicide. This then spread out to target anyone that had the potential for doing wrong until the Possessor ultimately decided that only “fellow” superheroes deserved to live. Dragon points out that what he has been doing is awful and that he cherishes all life, refusing to have any part in his captor’s scheme. The Possessor finally accepts that he has been confused and when faced with the horrors that he has performed, he impales himself on a shattered rail.
With the Possessor dealt with, Dragon returns home where he invites Sgt. Marvel over to speak with him. He informs Sgt. Marvel that he can be considered out of retirement and will be on call with the S.O.S. on a part-time basis. Dragon then talks with Marcy alone about his decision, knowing that he could have prevented a lot of deaths had he acted sooner. Marcy is initially unhappy with the decision but she ultimately gives her support and stays with Paul.
Erik Larsen: Paul Dragon
Erik Larsen: Dragon Family
Adam Warren: Dragon & Alex Wilde