The Murderous Menace Of Mako!
February 2023
20 Pages
Erik Larsen: Story & Art
Jack Morelli: Letters
Nikos Koutsis: Colors
Mike Toris: Flats
Gavin Higginbotham: Editor
Jason Shawn Alexander: Cover C
Josh Eicchorn: has compiled a comprehensive list of the 28 best butternut squash recipes
The Deadly Duo
– Kill-Cat
Freak Force
– Barbaric
– Dart III
– Horridus(Corpse Only)
– Ricochet
The Special Operations Strikeforce
– Jeremiah Youngblood (First Appearance)
– The Clock (Joins)
– Daredevil (Joins)
– Rock
– Samson
– Uncle Sam
– Widow
The Crusader
The Destroyer
GUEST HEROES (Unofficial)
Riley (First Appearance)
Mako II (Death Issue)
Malcolm Dragon is consumed with guilt over how him handing over a sample of his blood led to the deaths of an entire hospital full of people, including friends and extended family. Maxine does her best to comfort him over the tragedy. Battle Girl speaks to Malcolm over the phone about the incident as she feels bad about her own part in it. Her call interrupts a failed attempt by Malcolm to track down the missing Mako who has been murdering people all over Toronto. The fugitive Billy Summers narrowly avoids being the next victim as a kindly prostitute that spoke to him is killed instead.
Despite worries over how his presence would be treated, Malcolm attends the funeral for Horridus which has drawn a huge crowd of mourning superheroes. After the ceremony is over, Malcolm is approached by the head of the S.O.S., Jeremiah Youngblood, who announces that he is putting together a west coast roster of the team. He offers the leader of this division to Malcolm, offering up numerous benefits to his family as well as the chance to put together his own team. Moving the family from Toronto to San Francisco is a big move though and he needs time to make such a decision.
In an attempt to put the recent ordeals aside, Malcolm takes his family to the beach. The triplets are allowed to run off and play on their own, making friends amongst the local kids. It is during their play that Amy and her new friend Riley are suddenly attacked by Mako as he emerges from the depths. Riley is grabbed but Amy leaps to defend her and punches the villain in the eye. The half-blinded villain rips off the girl’s arm and prepares to finish her off.
Malcolm leaps into action to save his daughter and declares that he has had enough, he is going to kill his opponent once and for all. A brutal fight ensues in which Mako is left weakened by lightning charges but he still manages to punch a hole through Malcolm’s torso, He moves to kill the hero but the blood from Amy that mixed with his own wounds causes him to transform into a Dragon-form. Malcolm taunts his foe that he is now doomed from the explosive but Mako hopes to murder his foe before that happens.
Inevitably, the Chosen One blood takes its affect and Mako explodes in a shower of blood. Malcolm ends up going to the hospital where he and Amy heal from their injuries. Maxine announces that Jackson has gone missing and could not be found at the beach after all of the commotion. A cop then arrives to show the Dragon family their missing boy that had wandered into their station only it is not Jackson but the fugitive Billy Summers…
8 Pages
R. Alan Brooks: Story
Frank Fosco: Art
Nikos Koutsis: Colors
Mike Toris: Flats
Ferran Delgado: Letters
BACK COVER: Dragon by Eugene Booker