
Personal Information
Name: Brain-O
Real Name: Harold
Former Aliases: N/A
First Appearance: Savage Dragon #24
Death Issue: McSweeney’s Quarterly Concern #33
Cause of Death: Shrapnel through the brain during a fight with Emperor Kurr (acting as Officer Dragon)
Group Affiliations: The Vicious Circle
Height: Around 6′
Weight: Unknown
Eyes: N/A
Hair: N/A
Date of Birth: Unknown
Place of Birth: Unknown
Base of Operations: Chicago, Illinois
Other Distinguishing Features: Brain-O seemed to have been an artificial body with a transparent glass jar in the place of his head, showcasing his psionic brain
Marital Status: N/A
Known Relatives: N/A
Powers: Brain-O is a telepath, able to read and control minds
Brain-O was one of a legion of freaks that first showed up during the Gang War, serving as a member of the Vicious Circle. He remained with the organization from that point on and was one of those members shrunk down by Dragon using a Martian weapon. Brain-O was eventually restored thanks to the efforts of Octopus, OpenFace and Dataman and a recovered Martian shrinking gun.
When large groups of villains were required by the Vicious Circle for attacks, Brain-O was frequently selected; the aforementioned attack on Dragon when he wielded the shrinking gun, during the battle at the White House where CyberFace was deposed, when Billy Berman captured various Vicious Circle members and when OverLord III dispatched villains to steal Dragon’s blood from Hillman Hospital.
Brain-O later abducted Linda, a woman who had previously rejected his advances back when he was human. His mental powers were used to activate an army of robots to serve as his back-up. Dragon carried out a rescue mission and destroyed the robots, causing debris to fly through the air and shrapnel pierced Brain-O’s brain.
24, 25, 26, 39, 40, 50, 64, 66, 67, 70, 75, 95, 117 (B/U) , 152, 175 (B/U)