Savage Dragon #125
Things Get Worse
April 2006
14 Pages
Erik Larsen: Story & Art
Josh Eichorn: will beat anyone’s price.
Erik Larsen: Pin-Up (Malcolm Dragon)
Rex Dexter (Voice Only)
Supporting Characters
Chicago Police Department
– Captain Frank Darling
– Sgt. Alex Wilde (Battle Tank III)
– Sgt. Howard Niseman
– Officer Alex Foley (First Appearance) (Death Issue)
– Officer Harold Balzac (Death Issue)
Jon Day
Mister Bug
The Rats
– Battle Bob (First Appearance)
– Chop-Choppers (First Appearance)
– Hiro Zero (First Appearance)
– Red Don (First Appearance)
– Rosebud (First Appearance)
– Sickly
– Tigore (First Appearance)
Several officers of the Chicago Police Department search the Danger Zone for the missing Angel Dragon. Harry Balzac airs his fear of working in this region of Chicago, annoying Howard Niseman who wishes for him to be quiet. This desire is granted in an unwanted way when one of the Rats snaps Harry’s neck before his comrades surround the officer. Dragon suddenly leaps into action, wielding cybernetic prosthetics to replace his lost arm and legs.
The Rats are soon defeated by Dragon who ends up breaking his replacement hand as he punches the villain that had killed Harry. This death upsets Dragon greatly as he feels guilty about others helping him locate his missing daughter. Frank Darling does his best to comfort his best friend, pointing out that Harry had merely been doing his duty and he got careless and was killed. Dragon cannot help but wonder if his wife, daughter and Rex Dexter all going missing around the same time is a coincidence or part of a more sinister event.
Alex Wilde tries to cheer up Dragon by joking about his robot parts but the hero is not in the mood and walks away from her. Alex Foley approaches Dragon but is not recognized as they had never met in Dragon’s previous reality. Mister Bug arrives to challenge Dragon so that he can prove himself to the Vicious Circle. Alex tries to move him on but the officer is transformed by the Bug Belt into a fly before getting swatted to death.
Dragon is disgusted with this casual murder and attacks Mister Bug, catching him with a glancing blow that knocks the wannabe villain across the ground. The Bug Belt is fired numerous times but Dragon leaps over each attack before finally getting close enough to punch the weapon. This results in a huge explosion that leaves Dragon missing his remaining arm, his fin and all of his skin. There is no trace left of Mister Bug as Frank and Alex Wilde rush Dragon to Hillman Hospital.
The Wish
6 Pages
NOTE: This story was originally printed in the NEGATIVE BURN WINTER 2005
Erik Larsen: Story & Art
Mister Glum attempts to figure out what wish he should speak when he finally uses the God Gun and talks over the matter with Angel Dragon. She points out that he needs to word the desire perfectly or else it could end up going wrong. Her advice provides much food for thought for the diminutive alien and he considers the matter further…
Savage Dragon
Power Shortage
8 Pages
NOTE: This story was originally printed in the IMAGE SUMMER SPECIAL
NOTE: This story takes place between SAVAGE DRAGON #’s 116 and 117
Erik Larsen: Story & Art
Bill Crabtree: Colors
John Workman: Letters
Supporting Characters
Brutalizer (First Appearance)
Dragon and his wife are enjoying a movie in their living room when a super-freak comes bursting through the wall and attacks. Jennifer watches on helplessly as Dragon is momentarily punched into another room and the Brutalizer closes in on her. Dragon rejoins the fight to protect Jennifer and attempts to learn the reason behind this invasion, only to be met with silence.
As the battle continues, the Brutalizer eventually reveals that he had been sent by the Vicious Circle to prove to the hero that the criminal organization has not been destroyed. They will rise up once more and Dragon will pay for his actions against them. Brutalizer is punched high up into the air to end his threat before Dragon turns his attention to comforting a panicking Jennifer.
Jennifer is not sure if she will ever really feel safe again now that she has lost her super-powers and does not want to get used to this handicap, she wants her abilities back. Dragon does his best to make her feel better, offering to have Rex Dexter build a security system to guard their house. Jennifer is then alarmed to notice that her husband is still bleeding from a minor cut on his lip, indicating that Dragon’s healing factor was removed by the touch of Negate…
A Very Glum X-Mas
4 Pages
NOTE: This story was originally printed in the IMAGE HOLIDAY SPECIAL
Erik Larsen: Story & Art
Christmas Eve arrives and Mister Glum heads out into the Danger Zone in search of a gift for Angel Dragon as her life has been pretty tough recently. He wishes to locate a pony for Angel and knows that the police cannot use cars for patrolling this region, they instead use horses. Glum locates one of the mounted officers and kills him with a gunshot but the horse simply runs away. This leaves Glum empty handed as he continues his search.
The Fly
24 Pages
Erik Larsen: Story & Art
Dragon (Comatose)
Mister Bug (Death Issue)
The explosion of the Bug Belt has left Dragon in a comatose state, his regenerative powers having long since faded. He lies in a hospital bed where the medical staff is doing their best for him, unaware that the hero is being stalked by a sentient fly. Mister Bug had been transformed by his weapon’s destruction and is enjoying his new status.
Mister Bug tries to awaken the fallen hero so that he can gloat about his victory over him but fails to make any headway in this task. Dragon is unable to hear about the poor childhood which was experienced by the failed villain. In an effort to make something of himself, the criminal used his genius to construct his Bug Belt.
After spending an entire day as a fly, Mister Bug suddenly realises that insects do not live as long as humans. His own advanced age causes him to reach death early and he passes away whilst sitting atop the Dragon’s bed. His death is not mourned or even noticed by anyone at all, his passing having about as much effect on other people’s lives as the rest of his existence.
A Wish Granted
6 Pages
Erik Larsen: Story & Art
Mister Glum reveals the existence of the God Gun to his companion and declares that he is ready to use the weapon to grant him his wish of world conquest. Angel Dragon is asked for how best to word his request so that he does not mess up the wish. He then wishes for every human on Earth to obey every order that he individually gives to them. After the God Gun has been fired, the duo head outside to test out of the wish had been granted. A nearby police officer is the closest test subject and Glum is pleased to discover that he can now enslave the entire human race…
NOTE: This issue features COMIC BITS by Chris Giarrusso