Washington, Darnell
Personal Information
Name: Darnell Washington
Real Name: See above
Former Aliases: N/A
First Appearance: Savage Dragon #161
Group Affiliations: N/A
Height: Around 6′
Weight: Unknown
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Date of Birth: Unknown
Place of Birth: Unknown
Base of Operations: Chicago, Illinois
Other Distinguishing Features: N/A
Marital Status: Unknown
Known Relatives: N/A
Powers: N/A
After Malcolm Dragon ended his years of exile in Dimension-X, the young teenager finally began regular school. Malcolm gained a number of friends but his closest were P.J. and Darnell Washington, along with the Little Wise Guys.
Darnell is not seen for many years until Angel has a house warming for her new apartment where Darnell shows up with his new girlfriend Tina.