
Personal Information
Name: Mammoth
Real Name: Unknown
Former Aliases: N/A
First Appearance: Freak Force #18
Death Issue: Savage Dragon #180
Cause of Death: Mauled by the Tyrrus Combine
Group Affiliations: : N/A
Height: Around 6′
Weight: Unknown
Eyes: Unknown
Hair: Black
Date of Birth: Unknown
Place of Birth: Unknown
Base of Operations: Chicago, Illinois
Other Distinguishing Features: Mammoth has metallic skin
Marital Status: Unknown
Known Relatives: N/A
Powers: Superhuman strength, invulnerability
NOTE: Mammoth created by Erik Larsen, with help from Keith Giffen and Victor Bridges.
Mammoth was one of the many freaks that had become enslaved by the government-sponsored M.M.M.S. These prisoners were liberated by Freak Force, Chelsea Nirvana and the Henchmen. Mammoth and his former cellmates joined up with Chelsea as she attempted to seize control over the Vicious Circle during the Gang War. Mammoth remained with the Vicious Circle and took part in a counter-attack upon the Tyrrus Combine when the alien race launched a devastating global invasion on Earth. Mammoth was killed alongside numerous other villains when the Tyrraneans tore through their ranks.