Hazard II

Personal Information
Name: Hazard II
Real Name: Unknown
Former Aliases: N/A
First Appearance: Savage Dragon #24
Death Issue: Savage Dragon #152
Cause of Death: Slaughtered by Virus
Group Affiliations: The Vicious Circle
Height: Over 6′
Weight: Unknown
Eyes: Unknown
Hair: N/A
Date of Birth: Unknown
Place of Birth: Unknown
Base of Operations: Chicago, Illinois
Other Distinguishing Features: Hazard wears a suit of armor and has red skin
Marital Status: Unknown
Known Relatives: N/A
Powers: Superhuman strength
During the Gang War fought between rival factions within the Vicious Circle, the Chicago Bull carried out an attack upon the Freak Outpost bar, upset to have been rejected by his fellow freaks. Hazard was the villain sat drinking with Weed as the plant-man killed the disgraced, fallen television star. Many years later, Hazard was one of Virus’s victims as he massacred a whole host of Vicious Circle members.