SuperPatriot II
Name: SuperPatriot
Real Name: Theodore “Theo” Joseph Strange
Former Aliases: N/A
First Appearance: Savage Dragon #275
Group Affiliations: N/A
Height: 6’2″
Weight: 220 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Date of Birth: November 6, 1999
Place of Birth: Berkeley, CA
Base of Operations: Oakland, CA
Other Distinguishing Features: SuperPatriot has entirely cybernetic arms, legs, ears, and eyes, and other cybernetic implants are embedded on his chin, forehead, and along the sides of his face. He has extensive scarring over what is left of his natural body.
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Joseph Strange (father)
Powers: Machine parts that can be used as weapons
Theo was acting as a volunteer soldier for the Ukrainian Army when we was captured and imprisoned by the Russian Army. Theo’s Father, Josef Strange convinced Paul Dragon to gather a team to attempt to rescue his son from the Russians. Joseph Strange explained that he was able to plant a tracking device on his son before he left and that he will provide Paul’s team with the people, pilot and plane needed for the mission. Paul agreed and assembled a team including himself, Malcolm Dragon, Angel Dragon, and the original SuperPatriot (Johnny Armstrong).
The recue attempt went poorly as the heroes are seemingly outmatched by a large quantity of powerful Russian security robots in the prison. Theo is found by the heroes; however, while trying to hold off the robot horde, Paul Dragon was badly injured and Superpatriot took a blast through the chest, causing his demise. As Angel Dragon attempted to drag the weakened Theo out to safety, he took a direct laser blast to the body. Theo appeared mortally wounded, as he lost limbs and was badly burned. Meanwhile, as SuperPatriot’s body laid lifeless, his cybernetic parts appeared to withdraw from his corpse and attach themselves to Theodore’s charred torso. Within minutes, the cybernetics saved Theo’s life and replaced his missing limbs. The cybernetic parts recreated the look of the SuperPatriot costume on Theo’s body and he was immediately able to transform his new limbs into guns to fight back against the Russian robots. With the aid of Theo’s newly inherited SuperPatriot powers, the remaining heroes escaped from the prison complex.