Big Lug

Big Lug

Personal Information

Name: Big Lug
Real Name: Kelly (last name unrevealed)
Former Aliases: N/A
First Appearance:
First Appearance: Savage Dragon #17 (voice), Savage Dragon #43 (full)
Group Affiliations: The Eternal Youths, The Gods
Height: Over 7′
Weight: Unknown
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Golden
Date of Birth: Unknown
Place of Birth: Unknown
Base of Operations: God Town
Other Distinguishing Features: N/A
Marital Status: N/A
Known Relatives: N/A
Powers: Superhuman strength


Big Lug was part of a group of young godlings known as the Eternal Youths. These five young superhumans were linked through their unique abilities, enabling their minds to pierce dimensional walls and communicate with others, specifically She-Dragon. The Eternal Youths of Darkworld communicated with the She-Dragon with Earth and vice versa. This, however, was not known at the time and it was only after Darkworld was destroyed and the Eternal Youths of Earth met their planet’s She-Dragon that the full extent of their connection was realised.

The Eternal Youths were targeted by the God Squad for life on Godworld but even though they were teleported to that world, they soon returned home thanks to the intervention of several of Earth’s heroes. One of the God Squad, Rakkum, had other loyalties, being a dedicated servant of DarkLord.

Rakkum abducted the Eternal Youths and created machinery that could combine their abilities and open a portal to parallel universes. Another DarkLord was brought over and allied himself with the Covenant of the Sword, seeking to conquer the planet through the use of a Nega-Bomb. The Eternal Youths were saved by Special Operations Strikeforce but this was not the last time they would be sought out by Rakkum.

Years later, Rakkum would join forces with the Monster Master and his Sky-Riders to once again capture the Eternal Youths. Their quest to bring over yet another DarkLord was foiled by Dragon and a whole host of heroes. Unfortunately, three of the Eternal Youths were killed in the fight and Big Lug would be taken back to God Town to live.


17 (voice), 43, 44, 51, 52, 54, 58, 60, 71, 74, 97, 98, 99, 100

Oneshot (F/B)