Mars Attacks the Savage Dragon #2
Cover Date: January 1997
Cover Price: $2.95 (US) / $4.15 (CAN)
Format: X-Pages / Color
Cover: Jean-Claude St. Aubin
“Killer Monday!”
Story: Dwight Jon Zimmerman
Pencils: Jean-Claude St. Aubin
Inks: Larry Mahlstedt
Colors: Digital Chameleon and Jessica Kindzierski
Letters: John Costanza
Editors: Jim Salicrup and Dwight Jon Zimmerman
Supporting Characters
Colleen Mackay
The Martians
Alternate Colleen Mackay
Dragon is experimented upon to discover why he broke his programming and stopped reporting as the genetically altered Agent Draii-Ghnn. The hero then learns that his body has been affected by a size-shifting gas that allows him to escape and free a captured woman called Colleen Mackay. She explains that she was a prisoner of the Martians along with many others, some who are still alive and in suspended animation.
The duo attempt to release the other prisoners when an asteroid hits and fatally wounds the young woman. Dragon grows incredibly angry and increases his size to become a vengeful giant and decides to wreak havoc on Mars while he can…